Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother's Day.

Ok so a happy mothers day...?
Ok so C worked last night, upon arriving home she was greeted by screaming kids fighting over who gives what first, yes punches were thrown but Gr won she may be 3 but she sure can scream (my theory is that she will be patient 0 in the zombie apocalypse.) so Mummy had her gifts and was very happy then she grabbed her laptop and with her noise canceling headphones sat in bed reading the news, ebay and whatever makes her happy and wind down.
Then it started....
Gastro always sounded so paese to me, in fact I had never had it until my 40's and then Oh My God what's happening to me?
Well one of her patients on Friday had an "explosive" case of  Gastro and the aerosol effect means that droplets hang in the air (yes we had that conversation!) so today was a bit of a downer for her and trying to cheer her up by saying "Well you can at least spend time at home for the next few nights" did not work!!
Other News?
T has had his state enforced iPad confiscated.
The School said it was needed for "The learnings" (something yet to be evidenced) but as he was one of the last in his class to get one, we got him one. But there were conditions

  • Make sure it's charged
  • Poo patrol (for K)
  • Chores to be done without asking
Etc etc, well he lost it for not doing any of his chores for two weeks now (yes I let it go to see if he would work it out) well he'll get it back tomorrow but my point is that he had to post his homework on Evernote and his Teacher said that it wasn't there. But did he ask? No. He has Evernote on his PC but, (and it could be my fault) he didn't realize that he could do it from his PC and he could not grasp the "Cloud"concept I think I got there using post it notes and cushions.
I wish the School in it's race to be cutting edge would teach some basic computing concepts and teach them to type.
I'll tell him tomorrow he gets his iPad back but for now back to the trenches and make sure that C is Ok.

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