Friday, May 10, 2013


I guess I should point out here a little about myself,
I am a hairdresser who had a rather major hip replacement late last year, still getting better (I was stuck in a wheelchair for two months (great lesson there, people can be ignorant unthinking pigs) but I was lucky I was only in one for a short time.
Now as I recover our house has evolved and I now take care of the kids and C works and keeps the house afloat.
I do the odd bit of contract work when it fits in around the house to keep what little sanity I have left and to give me pocket money for my other great love "TECH".
Not a big fan of the Apple thing, love mt PC (Three screens, try that on a Mac) and Android mobile.
My son T has had to get an iPad for school, to provide a "media rich" environment, when I asked what that was they weren't sure but they told me the benefits of the i store I did ask if they were sponsored by Apple but they said no, so I asked if we could use an Android tablet but their server wouldn't do it (rubbish).
Ok if you want to invest in the Apple way thats fine but I do think that signing them up at 10 into an ecosystem that by the time they are old enough to make an informed decision for themselves they will have a massive investment in their i account and the cost of moving will be too great.
So we waited it out and he was one of the last to get an iPad, he is now happy, BUT after six weeks with an ipad I can honestly say that he has not received any benefit from having one for school.
and as I use a Samsung Note 10.1 I am not seeing the intuitive nature of the i interface i spend most of my time helping him by asking how to go back etc yes I know it's what you get used to, but still ARRGH!
Oh and got as S4 a week and a half ago really wow!
more on that later :)

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